Mission Statement

The Rio Vista ATOD (Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs) Alliance Mission Statement is to:

  • Promote a healthy community, free from the devastating impact of substance abuse on children, adults, family and community.
  • Advocate for increased recreational and educational activities for children.
  • Supports enacting realistic city ordinances and policies controlling the sale and distribution of alcohol and drugs in our community.
  • Continue to promote a strong social message to our citizens regarding the harmful effects of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs.

Current Areas of Focus:

Working with shareholders in the community to provide education to our parents regarding their at risk youth utilizing the award winning program Parent Project ®

Work with the City of Rio Vista to update our current Social Host Ordinance

Contact information: City of Rio Vista, 707-374-6347 City Hall, One Main St., Rio Vista, CA 94571 or email at RioVistaAlliance@gmail.com